♥ The possibility of both of my dogs wearing sweaters during the holidays
♥ Zipper detailing in clothing, from sweaters to jackets
♥ Natural hair blowouts
♥ How hats come in such varieties and turn you into an instant star
♥ Living in a city where it's cold enough to layer without being cold enough to snow
Creative Ways to Be Thankful

♥ If it's warm enough, explore the outdoors by riding your bike to a new location; taking a hike in the woods and be in awe of the changing leaves; or host a scavenger hunt
♥ Digging up your teenage diary and sharing it at your local Mortified show
♥ Swap blogs with a friend. You take over writing for their blog for a week and they take over your blog. This is especially fun if you two write about different niches.
♥ If you'd rather be inside, have an '80s movie marathon party with some friends; volunteer at a local theater
♥ Spice up old dishes with some fun sharpie designs!
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Since I don't post on Thursdays...Happy Thanksgiving!

Since I don't post on Thursdays...Happy Thanksgiving!