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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Movie Review: Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle

Back in 1995, Robin Williams starred in an adaptation of a children's book about a boy who gets trapped in a board game. I can't think of anyone who has never heard of or seen the original Jumanji movie. And pretty much everyone I know loves it. So it would be difficult to create a sequel when the original was so beloved. I think we all remember the crap that was Zathura right? Sorry, not sorry if any of you loved Zathura.

So Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle really had to make the original proud, especially for all of us '90s kids. This standalone sequel stars Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillan (best known as Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy). The story is about four high school students who get transported into the game of Jumanji and are playing as the characters/avatars they chose. This is where the new movie really diverts from the original.
Johnson's character is a nerdy, scrawny teen who becomes a tough explorer named Dr. Smolder Bravestone. Hart's character is a big football star who becomes a short zoologist and weapons valet named "Mouse" Finbar. Black's character is actually a popular teenage girl who becomes an overweight male cartographer named "Shelly" Oberon. And Gillan's character is a shy girl who becomes a martial arts expert named Ruby Roundhouse.

As you can imagine, with the character plot twist, this new Jumanji movie adds an element of comedic fun that wasn't really in the original. Most of the laughs come from Kevin Hart's annoyance of going from the jock of the group to the weapons valet whose weaknesses include speed and cake. And then you also have Jack Black who plays a popular teen girl trapped in a man's body in a jungle without a cellphone.

The four teens use their new bodies and newly acquired skills to play the game in order to get out of the jungle and back to the real world. They discover that this version of Jumanji plays more like a video game than a board game. Each character gets three lives with the ability to re-spawn twice, and the game is comprised of a few NPCs, or non-player characters, who are controlled by the game and only have predetermined and repetitive responses.
In the end, the aim of this movie is to first make you laugh and to second make you gain some perspective. I believe that's why they put each teenager in characters that were so different from their normal selves. But maybe I'm getting too deep. This movie really isn't that deep. If you want a deep movie, watch The Shape of Water.

The only thing I didn't really like from the film was the classic high school trope. It makes me wonder if there are any movies EVER that don't subscribe to the usual teenage roles. If you know of one, let me know in the comments below!

Have you seen Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle?


  1. I didn't see Jumanji, during the break I saw the new star wars and pitch perfect.


  2. I haven't seen the movie but my boys did. The eldest one was meh about it but the second one liked it:D I am a huge fan of the original one so I'll end up probably watching this:)

  3. This actually sounds super interesting. I didn't get round to wtaching the first one (although I am in my thirties!). Would you recommend watching the one from 1995 before watching the newer version?

    1. Good question! I don't actually think you need to have knowledge of the first one in order to enjoy this new one. It's definitely a standalone Jumanji movie.

  4. Ahh I totally want to see this. I didn't care for the original but I want to try again lol

  5. I am dying to see this remake! thanks for sharing!


  6. It looks like a light hearted movie for sure. Definitely want to check it out. Thanks for your review!

  7. It looks so fun and sounds great! Thanks for sharing gal! I'll have to go on a date with my hubs soon to see it.

    xo Laura Leigh

  8. Thanks for the detailed review! I wasn't interested in this movie so it's cool to find out what it's all about without having to see it.

  9. As a lover of the original I have been waiting to see wait people were saying! Now you've got me excited!

  10. I thought this movie was so dang funny!! I love that you didn't have to see the original to know what's going on.

  11. I loved the original! I definitely need to see this!


  12. I've been wanting to see this. I loved the original and The Rock is super. Will definitely see it :) x

  13. I really liked this movie! But I hated the highchool stereotypes, it was just stupid. But after forgetting those, I really did enjoyed it.

    Heidi ✨ | Heidi’s Planner

  14. That sounds like a good movie.

  15. I used to LOVE the first one ... it one of the few English movies I used to watch over and over again ... I am not sure about this one though. Should I go to the theater to watch it?


    1. Since you're slowing down this year and watching more movies in the theater, then yes, I think you should see this one. It's not deep, but it is funny.

  16. I've been really wanting to see this movie. I loved the original when I was a kid, so if anything, I think I need to see this movie just for the nostalgia of it all :)

  17. I heard this movie was hilarious!!! I can't wait to see it!!

  18. I heard this movie is so great, my boys would love it! Thanks for sharing! Xo, Nelli

  19. I've been wanting to see this because of how much I loved the original! Don't think anything could ever live up to it though!

    xx, Danielle | Pineapple & Prosecco

  20. I've been thinking about going to see this :)

  21. Big fan of the first Jumanji, it was amazing. Now I'm really curious about this remake.

    Jessica |

  22. Jack Black REALLY killed it as the teenage girl- hilarious!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  23. I haven't seen it but I want to! I loved the original. This one looks fab.

    xo, Amanda


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