Atlanta Content Creator Inspiring [life] style

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Material Girls & Unlocked Fashion 3/31/10

--be forewarned: this blog post is a mashup of thoughts--

little fashionista
don't you just love little fashionistas? i think everyone knows by now that Madonna and her daughter Lourdes will launch an affordable fashion line for Macy*s with prices ranging from $12-$40 this fall.

the line will be called Material Girl. and i have to say, for a girl who is more than a decade younger than me, little Lola sure has mad style.

i'll keep you guys posted when this line finally comes out.

Fashion Vault
also, i just read that eBay just launched its Fashion Vault Site where it will provide flash sales of designer clothing at discounted prices. the flash sales will only last 48-72 hours at a time. you don't have to bid on anything. instead you go for the Buy Now option and eBay is taking care of the shipping costs. if you shop now, you can get up to 60% off the French Connection Group. stuff that was once $68 is now $27! so i will now be on eBay when not blogging.

Photographing Thought

i had to do a pre-wedding photo shoot the day after my bachelorette party (and surprisingly, the photos didn't turn out too shabby).
i thought i'd share one of my favorites with you all--if you care.
wedding is right around the corner!

also, it's official. i'm going to do a giveaway once i reach 200 followers! i love blog giveaways and i've been wanting to do one for a while now. i think 200 followers is a good number because i have this wedding thing coming up shortly so i can't do a giveaway until after. also, i've thought about some items to include but may add something from my honeymoon trip to europe--maybe something from H&M perhaps :)

so yeah, help me reach my 200 followers goal so we can get on this sure-to-be-wonderful giveaway (for my always wonderful followers)!

and check out Jessica's blog. she, too, really wants to do a giveaway but would like more followers, so please check out her great blog!



  1. omg! 24 and getting married!!!!

    i cant afford a house yet :(:(

    thanks for sharing about the material girl line.

    may u be a happy bride to be :)

  2. re: lol, i followed u already since long time ago, guess u didnt realise :):)

  3. I like the picture of you two! I didn't know about the material girl line either, thx for the heads up! xoxo

  4. i know doesn't she just have amazing style!
    and that picture of you and your fiancee is the sweetest pic ever

  5. @liyana--the funny thing is, when i went to follow you my icon just kinda popped up. so i may not have realized that i followed you. don't know where my heads at :)

    @taj--glad i was able to make you aware. thanks for the nice comments.

  6. What a lovely post.
    Thank you so much for mentioning me, I'll put you on my next post :)

  7. its okay . lols! we both had already followed each other. u have so many followers so my icon is somewhere behind :):)

    cant wait to see u in ur wedding gown :):)

  8. The name of Madonna's line is perfect: Material Girl! I hope the items do NOT look like her daughter's clothes!

  9. she has what we all want - natural style!

    For everything about fashion:

  10. I love Lola's style! She's gonna be a true celebrity like her mother

  11. what a gorgeous picture! I love it!! How exciting, I remember when we took our engagement shots.. and now almost 6 years have gone by! crazy.


  12. i love madonnas daughter she has some cool style going on there lol
    also thanks for the tip about ebay im gonna check it out now!
    your pre wedding shot is lovely too :)

  13. she's great! i'm looking foward to see their line of clothes!

  14. Little fashionistas put me on my nerves. I just think kids should be kids....
    You guys look great in the photo. Such a cute couple!! I think I'm already following you, but if not, I'm doing it right now.

  15. I think Lordes is more fashionable than her mummy!

    Haha, you look fabulous. I am so excited to see your wedding photos.


  16. I cant wait for her line she is so fashionable...thanks for following me im following you now too :) !!

  17. You look pretty and happy in that pre-wedding photo. Thanks for taking the time to update us on the fashion news. I like Madonna and I hadn't heard about the affordable fashion line at Macy's by Madonna and her daughter Lourdes. Good luck with your wedding.

  18. I like the picture of you two! I didn't know about the material girl line either.You guys look great in the photo. Such a cute couple!! I think I'm already following you, but if not, I'm doing it right now.

  19. Wow very cute picture of both of you, looks great together!

  20. congrats! how cute are you & your fiance! good luck with the wedding.

  21. Ahhh I am so excited for you! That is an amazing picture of you and your fiance, you two look great!

    And those are some exciting prices haha. I love getting decent clothes at a decent price! ;)

    Hmm, this seems like a silly question, but how do you do a giveaway? :/

  22. LOVE that picture of you two!♥

    Thanks for the tip about the line. Can't wear those kinds of things myself, but my girl might develop a style soon ;)

  23. Lourdes has immaculate style, it's almost inherent. Also, thank you for pointing out the Fashion Vault on Ebay!

  24. Absolutely. I like her style!

  25. She sure has oodles of style. Thanks for sharing info on he upcoming line.

    Your picture is beautiful! Congrats on the wedding around the corner. Hope it's a beautiful, wonderful day.

  26. Oh...and just added myself to your followers. Waiting for your wonderful giveaway.

  27. Everything, as awesome as ever on the post.
    But Cheryl, the picture of you and your fiance. God!
    You guys are made for each other-- no really, no kidding.
    I'm serious. You guys are in love, and heck it's so visible!
    Bless you guys <3

  28. OK... Maybe I love Tavi. no scratch that, she fascinates me. Actually it even makes me think on motherhood, she's just so cool and cleaver to be truth.

  29. I am so glad there were no paparazzi taking my picture at Lourdes’ age. Yikes!

    The picture of you and your hubby is just so so lovely. It’s fun to follow your plans. I am actually really exited about the wedding- is that weird?

  30. ah every post is great.
    I've been following you for a time now, but now i'm following you official:)


  31. wow getting married! that is incredible. congrats! u must be super happy.

  32. I really like your blog, your style is amazing!

    xx fesi-fashion

  33. I can't wait for the wedding pics too!

    I'm glad we don't have to take any photos after the bachelor party, wouldn't turn out nearly as good.

    <3 u

  34. I did not know about the Material Girl line; thanks for sharing. What a perfect name from Madonna eh?

    Great pic of you and your Fiancée :)

  35. Check out my Fashion illustration giveaway, it would make a nice wedding gift for you. Congratulations.

  36. Damn, Lourdes looks just like Madge. Excited for their clothing line.

    Also: I'm so glad your wedding pictures came out well. I'm really interested to see some of the others now. 8 days!

  37. lourdes has really individual style that i personally wouldnt wear, but it works really well on her. ill be following, not just becuase i want the giveaway but because the blog is really entertaining.
    hope you can stop by mine some time.
    beeble xo

  38. What an absolutely gorgeous photo of you and your fiance!

    Lourdes is Madonna's essence through and through, wonder if she has the same personality traits. I don't usually pay mind to such things but I am looking forward to seeing Lourdes grow...Madonna was a big influence in my teenage years (yes I'm old!).

    Happy to have found your blog...


  39. the picture is soo beautiful


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