Atlanta Content Creator Inspiring [life] style

Friday, February 23, 2018

This or That: 32 Facts on the 23rd Day

Today is February 23 -- it's my birthday! It's actually my 32nd birthday to be exact.

I figured I would revisit this birthday theme of giving you a set number of facts about me that correlate to the age I'm turning. I saw someone do this last year, but with a twist. Instead of me telling you 32 facts, I'm having the hubs -- Ari -- take the reins. There usually isn't anything special about turning 32. But since it is the inverse of the date I was born, why not! To make it easier on him ("he don't know talking good like me and you"), I made this a "This or That" style. Keep in mind that these are his answers to my questions. Some might be right; some might be wrong.

OK hubs -- take it away!

1. Star Wars or Star Trek

Star Wars -- too easy. Darth Vader beats any Klingon

2. Cookies or Donuts

Tough one as you sometimes ask for donuts, but in the long run, cookies prevail.

3. Cats or Dogs

Dogs. No one understands cat people.

4. Wine or Cider

Cider -- sweet, not dry

5. Morning or Evening

Not sure, but you've always gotten up before me, so morning.

6. Bags or Shoes

Shoes -- just judging by volume

7. Exercise or Healthy Diet

Exercise -- I know you want those carbs

8. Sneakers or Heels

Sneakers -- comfort is king (queen)

9. Action or Comedy


10. Fiction or Non-Fiction


11. Football or Tennis


12. Staycations or Vacations

Staycations because you like to travel, but you like to feel "at home" as well

13. Movies or Musicals

Movies -- I think I like musicals more

14. Ryan Gosling or Charlie Hunnam

Charlie Hunnam, to my chagrin

15. Cape Town or Tulum

Cape Town because black people live there and they speak English

16. The Breakfast Club or The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas - I think at one time it was The Breakfast Club, but the sheer amount of merch and cake decorations over the years have reinforced your love for Nightmare.

17. Blue or Pink

Blue -- although your recent pink and gray infatuation makes me unsure

18. Sunrise or Sunset

Sunset because sunrise forces you out of that comfy bed

19. Coffee or Tea

Tea -- assuming chai falls into that category, and because you won't talk to me when I have coffee breath.

20. Roses or Peonies

Peonies -- roses are too basic for you

21. Judge Judy or The People's Court

Judge Judy -- you can't deal with the nonsense on those other judge shows

22. Loud Talkers or Touchy-Feely People

People who talk loudly because you don't want people touching you!

23. Milkshake or Boba Tea

Milkshake, although an avocado shake with boba is your perfect hybrid

24. Robots or Cyborgs

Robots. Darth Vader may be a cyborg, but so many of your other favorites are robots, like Chappie, Ultron, etc.

25. Los Angeles or New York

New York -- fashion shows and cleanliness

26. Trivia or Board Games

Trivia, unless Sushi Go has changed your mind

27. Veep or Parks & Rec

Parks & Rec - treat yo'self!

28. Bad Singers or Bad Comedians

Bad comedians because bad singers make you mute the TV

29. 1980s or 1920s Fashion


30. Leggings or Joggers

Leggings because not everyone can pull off the joggers trend like I can

31. Singing in the Shower or Singing in the Car

Singing in the car because we do that all the time

32. Hats or Sunglasses

Sunglasses or your eyes will melt!


  1. I've like the twist since you let him answer the questions, lol. Great images from over the years as well. Happy Birthday! Enjoy it!

  2. This was SO MUCH FUN!!! I am curious to know how much of it did he get it right?

    Wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! <3


    1. Most he got right. Some are toss ups. But he for sure got 12 and 24 wrong.

  3. This is the most adorable thing I have ever read. You two seem like a super adorable couple! Happy Birthday :)!

  4. Hahaha...Charlie Hunnam for the win! This is such a cute post, Cheryl:) Happy 32nd as well! As Madison said above, love seeing all the pics of you two over the years!
    Enjoy your birthday weekend!

  5. This was so fun to read! Happy birthday babe!

  6. such a precious post! Are you at Antelope Canyon in that one photo? Going there for the first time in March and I cannot wait!

  7. Happy Birthday Sweetie!! Hope you get everything else you want & need,'cause you already have all the good stuff. The hubs did good, hope he was right on most.

  8. Happy Birthday! You’re such a cute couple. This was a fun read, thanks for sharing.

  9. It's fun to make such a list of facts. It was my pleasure to read them. Did your husband guess the answers right? :)

  10. Haha I love how you turned this into a Q&A with your hubs! You two are adorbs! Happy Birthday Cheryl!

  11. Enjoyed reading this fun post. I hope your husband got most things right!I wonder if mine would?

  12. Love this! Happy birthday babe! BTW #1 is the first question I think I asked my hubby- Star Wars allllll the way! Hugs, Kait

  13. Happy birthday!!!
    I love the 32 questions you asked your hubby, and love how happy you look in these photos.
    I hope all your birthday wishes come true!

  14. Love this Q&A, and Happy Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy Birthday! I hope he was right with those answers! Love this little quiz idea.

  16. Happy Birthday. I actually enjoyed reading this some of his answers were funny. I should do something similar with my fiancé. Would be fun to see his answers.

  17. Your an 86 baby too! Happy, happy birthday to you gorgeous, Hope you had a fabulous day. Loved reading and getting to know you a little more


  18. Happy birthday dear! How fun that A answered these questions for you! Have you gone to Cape Town already? That's on my list. Also how have I not had avocado boba tea?!

  19. Awe Happy late birthday! Hope you had a blast! Great pictures.


  20. What a fun post! Love that he answered the questions. I hope you had the best birthday! :-)


  21. Happy Birthday!!! 12 was an odd one to get wrong being as he said you love to travel in his answer

  22. Happy belated birthday Cheryl!! This post was too cute. I love that you had the hubs answer all these questions about you!

    xo, Laura

  23. This is such a cute idea for a post! Happy birthday girl!


  24. Happy belated birthday. Hope you had fun.

  25. So cute!! Happy Be-lated Birthday doll, I hope you have a fantastic time and all your wishes come true always xx

  26. Awwww ! I loved seeing all these pictures Cheryl. A big hug, hope you had a great one.

  27. This was really, really cute! Ha! And there is nothing wrong with cat people, Ari! LOL!

  28. What a fun post! Happy birthday! It was a fun way to know a bit more about you!

    Jessica |

  29. Love these kinds of posts and getting to know you! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! :)


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